Why Is Slavery Important Today

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Over time slavery has started to calm down and not happen as much, certain types of slavery have either stopped or are still going on today. There are many types of slavery, most types rarely happen anymore.
Back then slavery was a really big thing, many people requested to have it like the Europeans. Europeans did a lot of things with slaves like put them into armies or traded them. Back then everyone tried to get as many slaves as possible the more they had the bigger the armies, more when trading. There are still many types of slavery happening today like prostitution, forced labor, forced marriage, etc. There are also organizations and donation websites that try to fight off slavery like: The International Labor Organization, NHTRC, Not For Sale, etc.
Back then slave trade helped European Countries develop. Europeans were really big on slave trade they were constantly shipping slaves across the Atlantic Ocean. Overtime when Europeans were shipping the slaves, the groups of slaves grew larger and larger and they would start to put the slaves into the military. Soon the slaves rulers became very powerful and got a whole bunch of money and firearm. …show more content…

Sex slavery usually involved women and children. It was basically prostitution, they had to do anything and everything the person wanted them to in exchange for money, clothes, food, etc. Child slavery was where they put children into armies, forced them to do prostitution, or to do any other work that needed to be done. Domestic servitude was pretty much slavery in a more hidden, secluded area. Forced labor usually involved women and children because they were more vulnerable more weak. Women and children were forced to do work without pay sometimes without food. Bonded labor is pretty much slavery to repay a