Why Is Technology Important In Fahrenheit 451

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When the story opens, what are the forces acting upon Montag? When the story opens, the forces acting upon Guy Montag, the protagonist, develops as the novel progresses. The novel begins with Montag being heavily invested emotionally in as work as a firemen. Rather than the firemen’s main mission being to extinguish fires, they serve society by burning the books and the houses in which the books were hidden based off of reports of hidden stocks of books and their location. Montag’s mental preparation for his profession is shown as “It was a pleasure to burn/It was a special pleasure to see things eaten, to see things blackened and changed”(Part 1 Page 1). Montag is dedicated and believes in his job and takes pride in it as well. Montag and …show more content…

Explain how this is a good thing and a bad thing. Technology has positive and negative impacts. Technology has improved transportation, education, and communication. Technology has helped advance in different transportation such as road transports used by vehicles, water transports used by submarines and ships, air transports used by airplanes and jets, and space transports used by rockets and satellites. Technology has improved education by allowing more online resources, multimedia learning, tutoring worldwide, studying with others online, editing papers online, and being able to have books of your course in one device. Technology has improved communication by giving people real time updates, being able to communicate and interact with others worldwide faster. Although communication can be beneficial, there are negative effects as well. As Clarisse addresses the reality of society to Montag she explains that “No one has time any more for anyone else” (Part1 Page 11) anymore. Technology has caused isolation, obesity, lack of social skills, depression, increase in bullying, and pollution. With the internet being available at home, many tends to go on their devices than interacting with …show more content…

b) Compare the life-style with our life-style. The professed and actual purpose of the lifestyle in Fahrenheit 451 was to ensure equality among the people in society. While the actual purpose is keeping people controlled and ignorant, the professed purpose of the culture keeps people pleased and happy. Beatty states that to keep the society more pleased and protected, they banned books. The government believes intelligence makes people anxious and will form hateful actions. Keeping the society submissive with technology and eliminating knowledge gave the government a chance to build a world where they have control over people. When Clarisse indicates “They name a lot of cars or clothes or swimming pools mostly and say how swell! But they all say the same things and nobody says anything different from anyone else” (Part 1 Page 14). People are not knowledgeable that they are socially controlled because nobody questions the government. Since Montag’s display to unusual reflection of Clarisse and becomes conscious that Mildred is unintentionally unhappy as she seems to