The Battle of Yorktown and its aftermath is an excellent example of conflict and compromise in history because England's loss at the Battle of Yorktown forced them towards compromise, ending the major conflict between England and America, the Revolutionary War.
The Revolutionary War was the War of Independence for America from England. It involved many battles that could have tipped the scale towards one side or the other and a few that were complete ambushes on the enemy.
It began through taxation disagreements from the colonies who felt that the taxes placed on imported goods were too high and England who believed that higher taxes were necessary in order to keep the trading posts open around the world. This led to physical fighting between
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General Cornwallis had been sent to Chesapeake Bay to retrieve supplies for General Clinton, who believed that the Continental Army would attack then in New York soon. General Washington had made it seem that the attack was happening in New York, but most of his army was in Yorktown waiting for Cornwallis and most of the British Army. The battle lasted about three weeks before the British army was too weak and out of supplies, which led to the surrender to America and the beginnings of the Treaty of Paris 1783.
The Treaty of Paris 1783, also known as the “Peace of Paris,” was the compromise that led to the true independence of America. It discussed the mutual termination of the Revolutionary War and the acceptance of American independence. It also recognised new borders for the United States and access to the Great Lakes compared to the now-Canadian provinces.
This also showed the rest of the world that it was possible to fight against such a great power like England and win. Soon after, the French revolted against Britain and ultimately won. In a way, America’s victory at Yorktown began the descent of England’s world
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He was a Federalist politician who outsmarted the British troops by developing a spy system that ran right under the noses of the British and ultimately won them the war. His plan to trick General Clinton into bringing Lord Cornwallis and his troops to protect Chesapeake Bay lured the British troops into his trap and made the Battle of Yorktown the battle that ended the Revolutionary War, with the help of Marquis de Lafayette and the French Navy.
Marquis de Lafayette was a French citizen who came to America in the mid 1770s to help America with their Revolution. When he returned to France in the spring of 1781, bringing the help of the French, he helped General Washington develop the idea to trap the British at Chesapeake Bay by sea with the help of the French navy. With the help of France, they not only stopped the British, but they caused another conflict between Britain and France that they left France to handle by