Why Is The British Revolution More Responsible For American Independence

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Presenting Transgressive Borderlines and Tyranny
Olivia Haemmerle
Mrs. Lewis-Cantor
U.S. History 1 Honors
1 November 2016

"Give me liberty or give me death" why did the colonists feel it was necessary to give their lives in order to achieve freedom? Though known as the American Revolution throughout the world, it should be called the British Revolution for many reasons. The British colonial policies was more liable for the final political split than were actions taken by the colonists. The British played a larger role in this division because of their taxing, governing, and military action across America. In 1763 to 1775, the British enforced unjust laws and the colonists decided they needed to gain their independence.
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Before the colonies started to riot, Britain placed a salutary neglect on them giving them freedom and allowing them to get away with following minimal laws. Salutary neglect is a term that refers to the British Crown policy of avoiding strict enforcement of parliamentary laws meant to keep American colonies obedient to England. Along came the Currency Act, which prohibited the colonies from issuing paper money. The Currency Act angered the colonists because they already had a trade deficit with Britain, which just made it worst for them. Another act that caused economic problems was the Boston Port Act, which closed the Boston harbor, and ships were not allowed to come in for any business. Many colonists were deeply affected by the economic problems in the colonies, it made some poor and disallowed other to flourish in their economic status. The British made colonists feel powerless politically with all the new laws being enforced at the same time. The Proclamation Act of 1763 prohibited the colonists from settling beyond the Appalachian Mountains. This made many colonist furious because they could not grow crops there, people lost land they owned, and it limited people’s settling space. But In the Proclamation of 1763 King George states “The several Nations...of Indians...should not be molested"(George III “Proclamation Act” ). this was a good idea because they did not want more conflict with the indians but the colonists could not see it that way.One Act that caused a major political dispute was the Stamp Act, this act was "An act for granting and applying certain stamp duties, and other duties, in the British colonies and plantations in America"(Geroge III “Stamp Act”). The Stamp Act made certain paper items expensive and overall caused the colonies to come together with a common enemy. The Stamp Act Congress ,which was the first form of