
Why Is The Death Penalty Important Essay

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Why I Am FOR Capital Punishment
“Why did you have to take their life?” “What did they ever do to you?” “You’ll get what you deserve soon enough.” There are too many loved ones that have to ask these questions. Capital Punishment can help resolve their thinking, and it brings justice to the victim and their grieving loved ones. The Death Penalty strikes fear into all criminals, and can help deter others from killing someone. (Flamehorse) Those condemned of the death penalty deserve to die because they took someone’s life, and they should have the same fate. Loved ones of a murder victim deserve to know that justice is coming for them. Murder brings grief rapidly, and it may never truly go away, but there is a feeling of hope and relief knowing that the murderer is getting the death penalty. A lot of the time the family grieves worse, and everything is much harder if the murderer gets to continue to live. (Flamehorse) Caron E. Montgomery was sentenced the death penalty on May 16, 2012 in Franklin County Common Pleas courtroom after he had …show more content…

All criminals are afraid of capital punishment, yet life in prison doesn’t quite put a chill in their spine or a weight on their shoulders. Ted Bundy had to wait for nine years for his execution, and he tried every day up to the point of his death to talk his way out of getting the death penalty. He tried to blame his killing sprees on pornography, and he tried to have his capital punishment switched to life without parole. In the article by Flamehorse, Bundy said, “It was all pornography’s fault, and that had it never existed, he would have been a good person.” He tried to get out of the death penalty because he was afraid to die. He could have committed suicide in his cell, but instead he tried to talk his way out of the death penalty. This shows that criminals are afraid to be sentenced to death

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