Why Is The World Being Taken Over By Technology

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With the increasing advancements in technology the use of it among teenager has increased dramatically.
Everywhere you look one can see youngsters with laptops, mobiles, tablets or some other device. Technology is now the easier and faster way to find answers to problems. Today, every person whether it is a teenager or adult has some or the other device with which their engaged. Is the world being taken over by technology? Our addiction technology is increasing day by day.

Out of the entire population teenager is the most addicted technology, about 78% of the teens now have cell phones and almost half have their own smartphones. They cannot be away for even a few minutes from their cell phones. Everyone’s problems are now solved by technology. A Teenager depends on online sources and technology to resolve issues. Students utilize websites such as “ Wolfram Alpha “ to solve their math and others such as “ Shmoop.” These are sources …show more content…

Smartphones are a major part of why they have turned to be this way. Communication has improved by the advancements in technology, which is benefiting the world and leading it into a bright future. There was a time when friends use to gossip and gossip for long hours and now everyone is staring into the phone all day long. Social media has influenced a large amount of the population mainly teenagers. Networking websites such as Facebook, Skype, face time and several others are in fashion today. Chatting and face timing most popular communication among youngsters. Teens spend their time chatting or play video games. Youngsters enjoy their hobby on video games instead of physically enjoying them. The new Xbox and Wii are a new obsession for teens. Has anyone ever noticed how this obsessiveness might have a negative externality on the kids? Everyone has specs due to the over explosion of technology. Migraines and headaches has been a constant complain by