Why It Is Important To Know About Schizophrenia

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Schizophrenia is a very serious disorder in the brain which affects how a person feels, thinks and acts. A person with schizophrenia has a difficulty in distinguishing something that is that is imaginary and something that is real and a schizophrenic can be withdrawn or unresponsive and has a difficulty in expressing his emotions in normal social situations. Why is schizophrenia an important issue to study? First of all, schizophrenia is rated as the fifth leading cause of loss of years as a result of this disease, the reason why it is so important to know about schizophrenia is because there are many misconceptions which have led people to fear schizophrenics. …show more content…

The reason why people believe and insist on believing this myth is sadly re-informed by ill-informed media reporting about this subject. So the important question is, are all people with schizophrenia dangerous?. The myth that all people with schizophrenia are violent and dangerous have never been found in the evidence, but it is the case that schizophrenics have a higher risk of violent and dangerous behavior so the answer is that it is extremely rare to have violent and dangerous schizophrenics and most schizophrenics are never dangerous. The public have claimed that if you are a schizophrenic, it means that you have multiple personalities, bad parenting is the cause, if one of your parents have schizophrenia then you will have it too, schizophrenics aren’t smart. All of these claims are incorrect and wrong and they are oblivious to the true facts about