
Why Legality Must Give Way To Morality By John Savant

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The Economic Appeal Being empathetic to one another's plight requires us to step out of our own thoughts and use our imagination. By doing so we broaden our world and trigger enormous growth in our personality and identity; evolving. This is the view English professor John Savant at Dominican University of California takes in his 2009 article “Imagining the Immigrant: Why Legality Must Give Way to Humanity” published in an issue of America magazine. Savant takes a more philosophical and ethical approach concerning immigration than Mark Krikorian; the director of the Center of Immigration Studies (CIS) does in his article that appeared in 2012’s issue of The National Interest; “The Perpetual Border Battle.” Krikorian argues his point that the “immigration problem…”(Krikorian 377) is not over; possibly dormant, but never over. Although both authors acknowledge that a society with a thriving economy will always have issues concerning immigration, they take different approaches on finding a solution to the issue. …show more content…

The weak supply of officer enforcing our boards, coupled with the sporadic fencing throughout miles upon miles of vulnerable territory only demonstrates how ineffective our government has done to control the flow of immigrants. With this weak resolve Krikorian believes the migration of immigrants is laying dormant. While Krikorian elements of lack of control, Savant turns his attention to the crippling fear America has adopted; “We tend to resist other ways of living, other cultures…”(Savant 376). Despite our origins as a country founded by immigrants desiring more, wanting

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