Why Not Act Like The Left Essay

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Top 5 reasons to not act like the Left There was a report that a group of Pro-Trump supporters shouted down a Leftist speaker at a college in California a few days ago. Many on the Right intrinsically realise this is wrong on many levels and the purpose here is to detail why we need to refrain from this abhorrent behaviour. 1. When you act like a barbarian you become the a barbarian. This is a bit of a cliché, but it does hold some wisdom. Our basic purpose here is to differentiate ourselves from the other side and show our policies as superior in the marketplace of ideas. Therefore it should be obvious that we need to act differently than our opponents. We certainly cannot condemn the Left for acting like children when our side does the same. 2. Using their ‘advantage’ against them. There are certain martial arts …show more content…

3. It is antithetical to our basic principles. In many ways there is a basic litmus test that differentiates the principles of the Left from those of the Right. The Left would like as much control over your life as possible, the Right eschews this principle. We on the Right would prefer to live our lives unmolested by government interference. This interference extends to that of free-speech. To be blunt about it, the Left’s concepts are inferior and they can only win by dominating the marketplace of ideas, we can be confident that our policies are superior and will win in a fair debate of the issues. 4. We need to differentiate ourselves from the Left. It is always important to consider the point of view of those who aren’t as involved in the activities of the political realm. Many of us are too busy living our lives and raising our children to be concerned over what the two sides are doing on a day to day basis. Therefore it is imperative that everyone can see that we trust the people and can [rhetorically] beat the Left in an open and honest