Republican Argumentative Essay

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For the last 70 years, the majority of African-Americans voters have been more democrats than ever. "The African-American population is about 44.5million. Only 16.1 million voted in 2008", but “95% chose the democratic party”. More than one are unworthy because African-Americans turn their back to the Republicans, those who fought for them in the past. To change this and increase African Americans votes republican should change and/or make some of their policies more flexible that is it right now.
Since the Republicans are against abortion and the Democrats are not against abortion, the Republicans can collide with democrats who are against abortion to gain their support. The Bible belt which is the most religious part of the United State …show more content…

In fact, the Republicans need to put more efforts by going to communities where the Republicans do not usually go to and by gaining new supporters and voters. For example, they need to campaign amongst all kinds of African Americans such as gays, hetero, men, women, youth and so on. The Republicans have to show that they care about all these kind of people to gain their support. Affirmative action law is also another way by which the Republicans can gain African American votes. The law favors the African Americans, we see that above "82% of African-Americans agree with Affirmative Action"; if the Republicans can keep the affirmative action laws on going they can gain the votes of African Americans. Indeed, affirmative action aims to redress past injustices. African Americans continue to support democrats because they are the party of “equality”. African American believes that the democrats allow them to avoid much discrimination that there is in the United States. By having a look at the chart it does not show a lower rate of African Americans supporting the Democrats since 1936. By this fact, republican should sometimes behave like democrats if they want to have the support of African American. They can also be