Why People Need To Be Protected

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For all species on this planet, protection is the one thing we all have in common. It is what we naturally have inside of us, and without it we would not be able to survive. Not only do we want to feel protected, but we also want to have freedom. The founding fathers of our country stressed over freedom. Now that we have come such a long way through civilization, we now talk about protection and freedom on a political level. Around world, there has been many conflicts between other countries and with the highly progressed technology we have today, it is easy to have freedom with it but there is also a lack of protection. Freedom comes to a certain point where people need to understand boundaries and that is when I feel protection from the government comes into play.
People Need To Be Protected Over the years the United States, and many other countries as well, have come a long way within their governments. Some people advocate for more freedom while others advocate for more protection and security. As an American and its tension with other countries and the many terrorist attacks, I strongly advocate for more protection. I do not want to worry about whether …show more content…

People fear that the government is corrupt. They think that if we rely too much on the government or give up more rights so that way the government can protect us more, that the people will be taken advantage of and all will be corrupted. People suspect that the protection given is a way of the government tricking the people into further issues they can control. They feel it will lead people to slowly loosing their freedom. This fear among the people has been around since our government was being established and is what many still complain about to this day. It is what was feared since the moment this government was being built, they wanted people to have the right to