Why Public Schools Should Teach Critical Thinking

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Critical thinking is a subject that people don’t really give much attention to. Grades from Kindergarten to 12th teachers are told to teach and push the “necessary” or the most valued subjects in school. Because they want to get higher grades. they try to push subjects like English, math, science and reading and give the students' standardized test based on these subjects to see if they are caught up with other students in other countries. Being taught critical thinking gives you the skills of cognitive skills of interpretation, analysis, evaluation, inference, explanation, and self- regulation. If you are trying to improve GPA’S, grades and test taking skills than teaching creative thinking in schools is the way to go.
To begin with, to be …show more content…

By teaching students how to be their own persons by abandoning group-think and developing the courage to think for themselves. According to the article, Why Public Schools Don’t Teach Critical Thinking by frank Breslin critical thinking should be taught at the beginning of high school till the end of high school they will learn during their four years on how they critically process information to either accept or reject it. School owes it to students to teach them out to think and not what to think. Giving students a whole bunch of reading assignments than testing them on it doesn’t really help them think. They are just collecting information for a test to keep forever. When I was in high school the concept of going to school wasn’t really to learn (but we were told that’s why we go to school) it was simply going to pass, to graduate. and get your diploma some may go to college and for some college did not even cross their minds. In school students get taught a certain theory by their teacher. Which they probably got little bit of understanding of the subject. The teachers teach it to the students, the students think that theory is the right theory. Than the students keep that same point of view and when they encounter a different point of view they don’t really know how to react or handle it. The goes for some people that is …show more content…

For example, when you don’t agree with someone you can’t automatically think you are right. Because at that moment the argument is taken place no one is right or wrong they are just trying to get their point of view across. We should keep an open mind to other point of views to be a critical thinker. Another example is that growing up in school most students would automatically feel as if the teacher knows everything. Which is not totally true the teacher is being a regular human just they have some type of authority doesn’t mean they know everything. Some students are afraid to question the teacher about certain things and some teachers does not like the be questioned and they also feel as if they get questioned by a student they feel as if they are being rude or trying to be Funny. I really don’t think they should get angry because of that they should see that students that are asking questions are willing to learn. Some people may say that critical thinking skills cannot be taught they feel as though is if you have it than you have it no one can teach you how to be a critical thinker which I feel as if that is entirely wrong. You can be taught on how to think instead of what to think for example a child that is raised in a Christian family. All that child knows when he