Why Schools Should Teach Home Economic Classes

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Whether a man or woman is a chef, lawyer, doctor, or a social worker, they were most likely not taught on how to prepare themselves for these jobs. I don’t want to be taught how to find the area of an airplane or the area of a flower vase in highschool, when I should be learning how to do taxes. More schools should teach home economic classes to high schoolers. Home economic classes taught kids how to open bank accounts and checking book, home ec taught students how to prepare meals, and these classes also taught girls how to manipulate textiles. By the time students are out of highschool they don’t know how to handle money. These classes explained to students about saving accounts and their future retirement plans and how they work. Teachers explained to older students what a bank account and checking books were. They taught kids how to write a check and invest money into their bank accounts. Home ec classes explained to students what a stock market was, so students can make decisions when investing their money. Parents most likely don’t want their kids making poor decisions with money. Teenagers, or newer adults, could invest money into a poor stock market decision, which can lead to …show more content…

Health experts found out that the rise of obesity in the United States is from the results of adults eating fast food and processed foods. When men and women are preparing for their careers they normally neglect the idea of learning how to prepare meals. Home ec taught students the nutrients needed for your body to be healthy and the food safeties. High schoolers were taught what vegetables, meats, and fruits to buy to keep their meals on a budget, so they’re not buying the most expensive meats and let it spoil. When taught about cooking meals, students were also informed about the proportion sizes and what was healthy and what