Why Should Huckleberry Finn Be Banned

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Censorship Rough Draft “The books that the world calls immoral are books that show the world its own shame” (Oscar). The words remarked by renowned author Oscar Wilde oppose the numerous efforts of many current governments to censor threatening texts. Many books are banned, because they showcase offensive themes; however, this depicts America’s appreciation of literature, or rather lack thereof. Books should not be banned because they depict realistic ideals and conflicts that many people may relate to. A literary classic, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, for example, should not be banned because it depicts the internal struggle of morality that age groups reading this novel endure. The novel demonstrates the different paths that one may lead to, should they partake in immoral actions. However, the moral characters in the novel end up “rich,” motivating students to follow. No books should ever be banned because they reveal realistic ideals and conflicts that prescribe the struggles of the lives of many Americans. Yet, …show more content…

Previous concerns occurred because of the “lack if decency and moral values,” but in the wake of the civil rights movement, the main concern was the “prevalent use of offensive terms” (Telgen). In plus, the uneducated characters of the novel reference to vulgar language: “—would come miles […] he was more looked up to than any— [strange--]” (Twain, 255). This type of language is offensive to people because it references a time where people were bought for labor, and worked under extremely harsh conditions, that they would rather not be reminded of. However, the word was very commonly used by white men in that era. It is a part of history that one may not hide and that students have the right to learn about. In addition, despite referencing --, Huck never does anything to hurt any black man. In fact, he tries to defy all odds to save Jim from