Why Was Blatant Racism Allowed To Occur

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Indicate two reasons that blatant racism against African American was allowed to occur. Racial discrimination against people of color in the US is a big part of the history of the country. Blatant racism was allowed because of various reasons. For the purpose of this assignment, only two reasons will be discussed: legislation and economic issues. In regard to the legislation issues, the government of the time allowed for racism in order to control the votes because many whites were for slavery and racism. Therefore, in order for a politician to be popular, he had to support racism. Loewen (2005) explains that the politicians that were against racism and slavery were frowned upon. However, the politicians later used this to gain popularity among the black community. This was done by advocating for the abolition of slavery and in turn racism. Massey & Denton (1993) explain that after the abolition of slavery, racism reduced. The scholars add that even though there are some traces of racism in the American society today, they are not as open as they were in the 18th and 19th centuries. …show more content…

Massey & Denton (1993) explain that racism and slavery went hand in hand. Therefore, the slaves provided cheap labor for the whites. Blatant racism also helped the economy in that it stabilized it. Due to the open nature, many slave owners gave the same treatment to the slaves. The blacks were hired to work in the fields in all states. There were no rules dictating how long a slave could work. Therefore, many Caucasians would overwork the black slaves in order to get more