Why Was Sharecropping Important In History

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Sharecropping- is for kind of agriculture where a person allows someones to use and stay on a portion of their land in exchange for a share of the crops at the end of the harvest. This share of the crops only comes from part of the crops that were created on the portion of land they are staying on. This was significant in history because there was no slavery or free labor at the time, because of this they used sharecropping to find labor which benefited the plantation owners and former slaves because it gave them work.

National Woman's Party- This party was a women's suffrage group was formed in 1917 in order to fight against women's suffrage. Their goal was to withhold its support from the existing political parties until women had gained the right to vote and “punish” those parties in power who did not support suffrage. This was significant in history because the party was a huge help in the women's suffrage movement and its fight for equality.

Stonewall Riot- Was a riot that broke …show more content…

He supported the defense of ones elf to show that blacks have equal power. His movement showed the whites that blacks are demanding their rights and will no longer tolerate the abuse. The demanding of equal rights put a fire under the whites fett to give rights or to have all out war.
Immediately following the abolition the freedmen and freedwomen faced challenges with the black codes in states. The black codes basically took away many of the civil rights they gained after slavery. However, during reconstruction the black codes were abolished by the Civil Rights Act. The Civil Rights Act abolished the black codes for the main purpose of giving blacks equal rights just like any other man, and to keep society from moving backwards towards slavery. This helped the freed men and women achieve equality in the U.S. despite the constant discrimination that followed