Frederick Douglass Primary Sources Essay

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Although some question the importance of primary sources, the reason they are important is because they are more verifiable because it gives the thoughts and expressions of that individual or individuals. This source is historically significant because without this people would not be able to tell that Douglass didn’t like the way that lincoln went about the abolition of slavery. Most people would think that since Douglass was in favor of the abolition of slavery and Lincoln got it abolished he would be in favor of lincoln but with this source people can clearly see that that is in fact not true.The source is important because it says abolitionists didn't like lincoln's caution and slowness in this area in the first year and a half of the Civil War. This source is historically important because with this Frederick Douglass helped with the abolishment of slavery. Although there were other people who helped abolish slavery he was a major figure in the abolishment in slavery and his views were a major part in gaining the freedom of African Americans. People at the time thought that after the abolishment of slavery the slaves would not be mentally capable of making the correct decisions or provide for themselves, In the source Douglass mentions that slaves have been …show more content…

Frederick douglass was in a way a role model for other African Americans and his sources provided them with belief that they could achieve the same education as a white male as Douglass had done. Frederick douglass was the most well known african American at the time and he used his position to help other African americans any way he could and that included the abolition of slavery. Without sources like these African americans would not of had the motivation to think that they could be more than just