Why Was Slavery Wrong

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In America, slavery was an institution which was very peculiar because of how it was operated and how slaves lives were mortified, this is evident in the narratives “Incidents In the Life of a Slave Girl” and “Twelve Years a Slave”.
Slavery was extremely wrong in all ways possible and demeaned all of the male and female slaves who fell victim to it. Along with this, lots of disgraceful acts were of normal occurance amongst large plantations and the slave market. While large plantations contained tremendous fieldwork, with little to no break, and no nutritional food. The slave market itself was a very controversial part of the slave system since it was the leading cause of families being forcibly split apart and it aided in the human trafficking of free blacks. The author of Twelve Years a Slave, Solomon Northup, was a free man himself who was kidnapped and then forced into slavery for twelve years. During the time when he was about to be sold he saw a slave mother, whose name is Eliza get separated from her kids who were sold to different slave masters causing her very great sadness and sorrow as a mother. She spent countless days and nights weeping. …show more content…

In addition to this type of treatment, female slaves endured even more. They’d suffer from rape at the hands of their masters which further demeaned them as they were forced to carry and then birth the children of their masters who would then immediately sell their own children into the slave market. Lisa from “Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl” was perpetually being threatened by her master, Dr.Flint, as he kept trying to get her alone so he could try to rape her which created lots of substantial tension between the two. He’d verbally degraded her whenever he failed to get what he wanted from her. (Jacobs, 1860,