Why Was The American Revolution A Good Social Revolution

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The American Revolution was unlike any other out of any of the Revolutions; it allowed its colonies overseas. An important reason for the Revolution was the need and desire for even more than they had. Like any other Revolution, the American Revolution started with small, unimportant demands which eventually grew out of control. Richard Price quoted “the American Revolution the most important event in the history of the world since the birth of Christ.” With that being said the American Revolution was not a very good social revolution like the ones that occurred in France, Russia or China. A true social Revolution destroys the institutional foundations of the old order and transfers power from ruling elite to new social groups. Nonetheless the American Revolution had eventful consequences. It created the United States and transformed a monarchical society. The Revolution also gave a new political significance to the middling elements of society and made it impossible for elites to openly disparage ordinary people. The monarchical society obligated colonists to be subjects of the crown, in which they were citizens and participants in the political process. …show more content…

The Revolution also altered social expectations. It leads to demands that the vote be extended to a larger proportion of the population and the public offices be elected by the people. In this circumstance people were expecting the vote to be delayed and posted to a further date, for longer voting periods. During the Revolution the leaders in the new state became less wealthy but more mobile and less likely to become married. Above all of this the revolution was popular for radical ideals, especially a commitment to liberty, equality, governments of the people, and rule over law; however these ideals inspired a spirit of