Why We Expect More From Technology And Less From Each Other

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As the year's progress, there have been many advancements in technology from pixel animated pets to humanized sexual robots. Technology has made it easier for humans to be able to communicate, discover, translate, and develop the unimaginable. As of right now, sociable robots are made to fulfill the needs of human companionship for many who lack human intimacy. In “Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other” Sherry Turkle describes the many ways interactive robots shape the lives of children and adults because of the human need to nurture. Regardless of the circumstance, humans have a thirst for attention, in order to quench that thirst, one will need to feel needed or adored. That is where interactive …show more content…

These types of technology can make people less lonely and create an artificial sense of human fellowship. Sociable technology “can make adults develop and change in opinion and establish of truth in children’s hearts “(Turkle 460). Therefore, teaching children what it means to love by nurturing and adults a sense of understanding. For children, if the toy Tamagotchi was like a newborn child because the demands of the Tamagotchi “translate into care and care into the feeling of caring” (Turkle 454). Once the toy shows signs of wanting to be cared for, the child immediately goes into action and takes care of it as if it was a real-life pet. Consequently, making the child feel loved. This all translates to the human need of wanting to be loved or needed by someone or anything in one’s life. If one cannot achieve it with a real-life person, they will be able to with sociable robots. Sociable robots teach children companionship and the effects of love at a young age. They give kids a simplistic understanding of the concepts of death and mourning while withholding innocence. Thereby teaching children at a young age the values of companionships and admiration within the view of a pixel …show more content…

Although sociable robots help kids to learn the concepts nurturing and friendship, they can also cause sadistic onslaughts to happen. These toys allow children to the playing god, to decide if they should take the batteries out or not. Humanized robots allow the sadistic behavior to happen with no understanding of why it happened what so ever. They give a sense of abuse, where a robot will be blindfolded and oblivious to her surrounding thus allowing anyone to take advantage of the situation. “Blindfolding the robot sends a signal that “this robot can see”. And seeing implies understanding and an inner life, enough of one to make abuse possible.” (Turkle 478). Humanized robots can show other the dangers of human nature from abuse to sadism. People will willingly objectify these robots to fulfill urges. Sociable robots, especially human robots, can truly show the evil nature that many humans have within them. People will buy these robots to cause harm, rape, abuse; things that are not morally acceptable or completely illegal to do with another individual. That is why they are said to be needed for specific reasons around certain