The Pedestrian And The Sound Of Rain

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In the four science fiction short stories by Ray Bradbury, they share a common topic surrounding the use of technology that humanity has come to love and rely on. Bradbury tries to show the world how technology has a hold on society. The hold on technology is something society cannot give up because they're blinded by how easy it is. Humans want things easy for themselves and technology does that not seeing how they are slowly losing the freedom and own self thoughts. Humanity spends their lives relying on technology. As they start to rely on tech they start to be more emotionally attached to the tech then to each other. They begin viewing the crazy people as the people who actually enjoy the world more than enjoying technology. The society’s …show more content…

Their technology does the basics of what they need to get done leaving humans doing nothing. It all starts simple like in “The Sound of Rain” they start relying on the machine to keep them safe in case anything happens. Humans relying on machines to keep them safe travels to the story “The Pedestrian” when the police stays back letting the computer do all the work. Which is where humanity is leading to now with all of our cell phones, computer and tablets that we never seem to be able to put down. The children in “The Veldt” were so used to their house doing literally everything for them that going unplugged for a few hours was too much. The children have been relying on technology so much that the son is repulsed by the idea of doing things for himself “ That sounds dreadful! Would I have to tie my shoes instead of letting the shoe tier do it? And brush my own teeth and comb my hair and give myself a bath?” These are the simple things that require no thought yet they are disgusted to do it on their own. This is not the only reference how humans just let go on their independence when the house in “There Will Come Soft Rain” does everything for them cook, have reminder even when the house goes “time to clean. Out of the warrens in the wall, tiny robot mice darted….The house was clean.” Humans become incapable of doing normal tasks because of how dependent they are and not think for themselves. They give up all of the simple tasks in life, and never doing anything difficult in the end. Society does it so much that they become very close with their