
Why We Should Have Bottled Water In Schools

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Although bottled water is good for you, should they be banned in schools? Bottled water is a convenient source, but Myah Cortez thinks that they should be banned in schools. Schools have water fountains that should be used, and tap water isn’t any cleaner that what comes out of bottled water. Students should utilize the water that comes out of the water faucets and not spend lots of money on bottled water because they think the tap water is bad. Bottled water should be banned in schools because the students are paying good money for water bottles even though they can get the same water in the bottles from the tap.
The first reason why bottled water should be banned in schools is because 25% of bottled water is tap water. An example of this is Aquafina is just purified tap water, and it is sometimes purified, sometimes not. We as Americans have some of the finest tap water in the world, yet we still choose to drink bottled water even though, we are getting the same type of water as we would from the tap. Tap water may taste funky, sometimes there is too much chlorine, but that does not mean that it is unsafe. To prove this, Dr. Sarah …show more content…

People do not recycle their plastic water bottles and they are littered everywhere, harming the environment. We, humans, are harming the environment every time we drink a bottle of water. Mayor Gavin Newsom, of San Francisco, California said: “More than one billion plastic water bottles end up in California’s landfills each year, taking 1,000 years to biodegrade and leaking toxic additives such as phthalates into the groundwater”. This shows that we harm the environment by leaving water bottles everywhere and it takes a long time to biodegrade. That is why we should just stick with drinking tap water in schools instead of making our campus

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