Why We Should Legalize Illegal Immigration

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Illegal immigration is a problem that affects all Americans. An illegal immigrant is defined as anyone who migrates to a country for a permanent residence without any form of identification . There are many problems that develop, including overpopulation, rising crime rates and unemployment. The American government must control the flow of illegal immigrants into America in order to provide more opportunities for Americans. Some people think that illegal immigration should not be a major concern when it is. They support this opinion by denying the major problems that result from the amounts of illegal immigrants coming into our country. Statistics show that illegal immigrants help contribute to the increasing population of the United States and keep reproducing. In order to reverse this and keep immigrants and others, The American government has passed many different laws …show more content…

This restricted American vessels to transport Chinese immigrants to the U.S. which was called the Alien Contract Labor Laws of 1885 went even further. They restricted immigration to the United States to people who had signed work contracts before their arrival in the country. Alien skilled laborers, were only allowed to enter the U.S. in order to work in new industries. Many anti-immigrant groups were arguing that foreigners should not be allowed entry into the country, even if they were skilled laborers. Academic economy finds that both high and low skill immigration leads to increase economic growth. immigration expands the American workforce by encouraging more business star ups. immigrants increase the efficiency by raising educational backgrounds. on a high-skill spectrum, engineering doctoral degrees, computer science degrees and physical doctor's degrees all come from neither permanent residents or us.