Why We Should Not Be Allowed To Take Up Arms Persuasive Essay

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Elmer Davis once said, “This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave.” War is something that has been happening for hundreds, even thousands of years. It has been fought for many reasons. Reasons like showing dominance, conquering territory, for love, and even for reasons to simply help other countries. One question that has been brought up over time too, is the question on whether or not religious people, more specifically, Christians, should be allowed to fight in war/ take up arms. Moreover, is it okay if a Christian person kills another human? Although these questions have been debated for years and will continue to be debated for many more, I would say that Christians should be allowed to fight in war and take up arms without having to worry about what God will think of them. One …show more content…

they are expected to serve under the oath of protecting and serving the United States of America and all who stand for it. In other words, these military personnel are expected to die for their country if it is necessary. These people choose to disobey God’s Temporal Authority of not killing other humans in order to protect their country, their communities, and their neighbors. For example, when Seal Team Six was sent on the mission to assassinate Osama Bin Laden, it was for purposes to stop his terrorist attacks on surrounding countries and potential strikes on America. This, according to Luther, should be acceptable in God’s eyes as it is serving the Temporal Sword (Lull 436). Luther explains that, disobeying the Temporal Authority or the rules does not help a person satisfy God immediately, but helps them satisfy the world around them by providing a means to get rid of ‘evil’ in the world (Lull 436). This in turn, satisfies God, and thus makes the concept of war and fighting in war