Why We Should Not Have Freedom In College

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College opens up a young student to a whole new world of opportunities and experiences. Living on your own, away from your parents, gives one a new found freedom. Being able to eat whatever you want, stay up as late as you want, wear whatever you want, and hang out with whoever you want. But this speech isn’t about celebrating freedom, but raising awareness on the stripping of freedom. The freedom given to us in college should not grant impunity, and for something like plagiarism, it wouldn’t. 19% of freshman in college are victims of attempted or completed rape, that is nearly one in every five students on campus. The majority of these numbers are female, and in many situations she is the one who is blamed. This growing issue is being swept under the rug by colleges, hiding their statistics to make sure that their college doesn’t get a bad rep from what is going on behind closed doors. Predators are receiving little to no punishment for their actions leaving them on campus with the ability to rehash their previous actions. This newfound epidemic needs to be addressed and colleges need to start stepping in when in comes to the safety of their students. …show more content…

Many colleges proceeded to keep their results private, so the numbers wouldn’t reflect badly on their college. University of Michigan was one of the very few colleges to make their results open to the public. Universities all over the nation are deliberately downplaying sexual assaults on their campus. This refusal to acknowledge the very prevalent issue of rape and sexual assault on college campuses is leaving students at many universities to be attacked and