Why We Should Not Make Decisions In Romeo And Juliet

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In Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet, the Nurse tells Juliet to meet at Friar Lawrence’s cell so that she could marry Romeo in secret. Clearly, this instance exemplifies how someone could have one’s best interests in mind, and genuinely want to see others happy in life. In this play, Romeo and Juliet, one of the central ideas is one’s should not make big decisions based on emotions alone. An event that occurred in this play proves why one shouldn't make decisions based off of emotions are the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. While at the end of the day, it is our individual lives, the opinions of others should affect ones choices and destinies because the person giving advice might genuinely want to see others happy, one can be impulsive when …show more content…

The text states, “Hie you to church; I must another way…But you shall bear the burden soon at night. Go, I'll to dinner. Hie you to the cell.” This shows that others might actually want to see one happy even if they do not approve. This also shows that one might their own opinions to the side to see someone they love happy because the Nurse did not want Juliet to marry Romeo until she saw that they were really in love. To reiterate it is important to note that you should take the advice people give you because as previously stated they might genuinely want to see you …show more content…

Juliet warns Romeo that if any of her kinsmen find him, they'll kill him, but Romeo says that the things “love can do” make him invincible to harm. In the text, Juliet says “And the place death, considering who thou art, if any of my kinsmen find thee here." "If they do see thee they will murder thee." This clearly shows how Romeo and Juliet's relationship can be extremely dangerous. If Juliet's kinsmen (blood relatives) find Romeo they will kill him simply because he is a Montague. Contrary to that in the text Romeo says “For stony limits cannot hold love out, and what love can do, that dares love attempt. Therefore thy kinsmen are no stop to me.” This shows how much he actually cares about Juliet because he is risking his life and risking being disowned by his family just to be with her. He doesn’t care about the risks because he truly believes their love will keep him safe. This comes true later in the play. This brings me back to my point which is when difficult decisions are made people tend to be impulsive and they do whatever their emotions tell them. People’s opinions should affect one's choices and destinies because Romeo and Juliet were both impulsive and didn't listen to anyone's advice and they ended up dying. When people make impulsive decisions they usually have bad consequences after everything is said and done. To reiterate it is important to note