Why Were Geeks Attracted To Christianity

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When Christianity started to grow, Geek and Roman philosophy were the competitions. The Greek were often named Hellenism. Christians brought many new ideas to how the World works and who God is. These new ideas created separations between Jews and Christians. Most of the time this became a political debate. Christians had to figure out how to overcome the challenges arises by the Hellenism.
One way was the Christians became a separate religion than the Jews. Geeks were not a fan of the Jews. They even destroyed their temple. This hatred toward the Jews drew some people to Christianity. Another reason that Geeks were attracted to Christianity was because of Jesus. Jesus was a captivating idea because the stories that written about him were interesting. It uses relatable idea and problems. This made it easier to capture outsiders. Christianity became a threat to the Romans. They started to send people out to arrest them. This put them in great danger. For this reason, many of them gave up their faith so their life can be spared. Some still had strong faith and were able …show more content…

I found that interesting because I can’t relate (thank goodness). The last book of the bible deals with stories that overcomes the horrible wars. I feel like that book was written mostly for the early Christians. It was meant for their encouragements. I thought that was a perfect way to end the Bible. It amazes me that Christianity was able to grow in despite of the pursuit. And how one person was able to change all of that. This is a great example of how God uses us for great plans.
For Christians during this time, it must’ve been really hard. Honestly, I’m not sure how ill react to the pursuit. Would I be able to keep my faith and if I did will be willing to be tortured and/or killed for it? This question was in every person’s mind during that time. It was a great risk for them. The ones that died for their faith were seen as