Why Were People Settled In The Middle Colonies?

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People from many nations, religions, and cultural backgrounds settled in the middle colonies. These people came because of what the colonies had to offer. They realized the middle colonies gave generous land grants and supported religious tolerance. They also wanted money, and the middle colonies had fertile soil and a pleasant climate, perfect for farming. People were tired of being poor and persecuted for their beliefs. All of this made people decide to settle in the middle colonies. The English created New York and New Jersey from former Dutch territory. They captured the land from the Dutch and established colonies. These colonies attracted people from all over, including the Dutch, Swedes, Finns, and Scots because of their generous land grants and religious tolerance. Pennsylvania, another colony, was later founded by William Penn as a safe home for Quakers in 1681. Most people came as indentured servants, or people agreed to work for someone for a set amount of years in return for a trip to America. They did not care about the work; they just wanted to be free and earn money. …show more content…

People wanted to worship freely, so they moved to the middle colonies. The economy of the middle colonies was another reason why people settled there. The economy was another reason why people settled in the middle colonies. The middle colonies had fertile land and a good climate, making it a perfect place to grow staple crops. Trade was also an essential part of the economy. People from many nations, religions, and cultural backgrounds also settled in the middle colonies to earn some