Why Women Still Can T Have It All Essay

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Is it possible to have “it all”, the fancy car, big house, great job with great pay, and a beautiful family? Of course it is, but having “it all” does come with some sacrifice. The difficulties women feel they face when it comes to having to choose between their families or being successful in their career has caused many men and women join the debate on this touchy subject. Ann Marie Slaughter, the author of “Why Women Still Can’t Have it All” shocked many with this piece, some felt as it shows that women are too emotional to hold high power positions and complain about them. While others believe it opened they eyes of many to just how much inequality in the workplace still exists, as well as the stereotypes placed upon not just women but …show more content…

Of course duel earning families is more and more the norm, but the women still hold the majority of the burdens of home and children. He argues that while women may work harder at home, men are typically the ones working longer hours at the office, traveling more and missing out more on their children’s childhood. The sacrifice for men is just as difficult for a women, the longing to be home with his family. Men over the generations were raised to be less nurturing, being motherly was for the mothers. The fact the pressure of being a provider to their family outweighs the disappointment in missing out on family things, while of course they miss their family, the emotional attachment might not be as strong as a women’s. Men and women are wired differently, the reactions to stress and situations in the home and the workplace will always vary between genders a great deal. This maybe what is giving society the assumption women are too emotional to hold higher level positions. When I think the opposite, allowing women who are emotional beings, more than men, to hold higher level position might be exactly what this world