
William Blake Research Paper

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Who is William Blake? Is he a poet…? A painter…? A printmaker…? The answer is yes. William Blake was both a poet and a painter, along with being a printmaker. He became a very well know English poet, as well as being a widely known artist. William Blake has a wide collection of both poems as well as paintings. William Blake joins a few other ancient people that do poetry as well as other branches of art, like painting. William Blake was a profound leader of the Romantic Movement as well as a leader of society in his time period. The history of William Blake’s life goes way back. On November 28, 1757 James and Catherine Blake had a little boy named William Blake. He was one of seven kids, two died as infants. Early in William’s …show more content…

When he was ten his parents saw that he liked to paint so they enrolled him into drawing school. “His parents did, however, encourage his artistic talents, and the young Blake was enrolled at the age of ten in Pars' drawing school” (Poetry Foundation). After two years of that he started working with an engraver because drawing school was too expensive for his family to pay for. While working with the engraver he had to go and sketch tombs at Westminster Abby. While doing this he picked up many Gothic styles that he has used a lot in his painting …show more content…

His first printed work was Poetical Sketches. “Thanks to the support of Flaxman and Mrs. Mathew, a thin volume of poems was published under the title Poetical Sketches” (Poetry Foundation). This poem was six pages long and it was written to protest against the war and the way that King George III was treating the American colonies. His most known work is Songs of Innocence. Like many of Blake’s works he used watercolor paints to paint a picture around the poem. His works include but are not restricted to: The French Revolution, America, a Prophecy, Visions of the Daughters of Alban, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, and The Book of Urizen. William Blake died on August 12,

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