William Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet In High Schools Today

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Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet in High Schools Today William Shakespeare an English poet, play-writer, actor, is the greatest writer in English Writing. His writing pieces grabs the reader 's attention when reading and watching his welly performed plays. William Shakespeare had wrote many plays that people today still reenact in present day today. As of today, William Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet is relevant into today 's society for highschool students and young adults. It shows the anger of emotion at people from any age bracket, race or gender that people still go through today. It is relevant into today 's society with high school students because of how Shakespeare in gages with his different sources of words also that many students in high school are going through forbidden love. This helps students be able to look back and relate on what is going on in their life compared to what Shakespeare wrote, it gives the students something to take into mind . His plays got passed down from generation to generation to relate back to with his unique word choice. …show more content…

William Shakespeare 's play Romeo and Juliet is relevant because he is one of the all time greatest poets and his plays got passed down from family member to family member, because this was one of the all time greatest plays that there were and he was very famous for this. With the unique words it grabs the reader’s attention( High school students) into wanting to watch or read more about it. In the text it quotes “Gregory, o ' my word, we 'll not carry coals.” ( Shakespeare, Act 1) This shows that Shakespeare used unique words and phrases to grab the reader 's attention. William Shakespeare is actually saying in this phrase, Mark my words, Gregory, we won’t carry coals. We won’t tolerate their insults. If shakespeare has left it like this it wouldn 't be as interesting as the way that he restated it. Now it brings the high school reader in to really think about what is going on and it makes