Willis's Room End-Personal Narrative

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Room End

Who am I? A rumble and it extended further; the room with no end and no beginning, planes, or edges. The blinding light form no source; no night or day. Who are these people? Why do they look like that? A man or woman has been looking through the man with the questions, but how can they see him if they have no eyes? The hundreds of people that can barely be classified as people that have only holes for eyes, ears, and mouths are standing waiting for something they cannot name. Are we real? Who am...I? Spinning is all that we are, stretching, ripping. How are we still alive? Can I move? He moves an arm and leg feeling the stretch of his limbs, but looks around and has not moved a single muscle towards any destination. Was the light gone for a second? I...don't remember. People around are smaller …show more content…

The room moves further away and Willis withers a little more. Come back, child! No...no. Willis moves his eyes of stone around the inconceivable white room. You can see his heart sink deeper into his small deflated body. Not quite accepting his fait of being alone forever. I can't..think. Why did they do this to me? I am to stay here...forever? I am so alone. Day after day in a place where time does not pass, he was alone. Breaking down a little more each time he remembered the laughs of the past he apparently once lived. This is not my life. The old man with his outstretched hand just waiting, waiting for someone to call for him and bring him back to reality was him not a joyful joke or play. It is over for me. I don't care. I will never be saved from this cage. I wish...I was...dead. A cracking sound larger and louder than anything possible to imagine exploded from all around him. I...give...up. And suddenly there was no more. No lights burning his burnt eyes, false faces lying through their teeth, but also no more him. I am finally free! Wait no...I'm not. I can't see!