Wilson Eating Healthier Food Case Study

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8/16/17: When assessing Wilson’s mood and appearance, he stated that he had taking his medication as prescribed but that he had a lot on his mind and felt a little anxious. He said as far as his appearance goes, he needed to wash clothes but didn’t have the money to do so. When assisting him to Walmart to pick up medications, he stated that he wanted to get a new place to live and explained that he plans to get married and hopefully move in with his now girlfriend, drive her car and share in the bills which would help with some of his worries. He said that when she gets married, him and his wife will have enough money to go out to dinner, travel and do fun things. When inquiring if he’s talked this over with his girlfriend, he stated, “not …show more content…

When QMHP explained to him that it is important because it can help control weight, boost energy, improve his mood, combat disease so he can live long, notes, he agreed that he could have a healthy lifestyle by exercising regularly, eating right and resting more. However, he stated that following a meal plan might be a problem for him because he doesn’t like to cook which is why he eats food from the can and not fresh foods as they require more cooking. Wilson pointed out that he would let his doctor know that the medication he prescribed during the last visit to help with his constipation didn’t work. Although Wilson had a list of questions to ask his doctor, he still relied on finding other remedies to help with his health issue as evidenced by his conversation. Since Wilson didn’t seem to sure that he was getting the right treatment, QMHP inquired if he was considering changing his doctor? He paused and stated that he has being seeing him for over thirty years. He never said weather or not he would consider changing doctors. As we discussed the list of foods from the five-basic food group that would give him the necessary nutrients needed to balance his diet to help him remain healthy, he stated that he wasn’t quite ready to make a full commitment to changing his eating habits. When explaining to Wilson that healthy living is a long-term commitment, not a flash-in-the-pan fad. But there are steps he can take right now that will make today healthier than yesterday and pave the way for healthy living tomorrow, he participated in going over the steps. He asked informational seeking questions to indicate that he was considering changing his