Smith chart Essays

  • Wilson Eating Healthier Food Case Study

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    8/16/17: When assessing Wilson’s mood and appearance, he stated that he had taking his medication as prescribed but that he had a lot on his mind and felt a little anxious. He said as far as his appearance goes, he needed to wash clothes but didn’t have the money to do so. When assisting him to Walmart to pick up medications, he stated that he wanted to get a new place to live and explained that he plans to get married and hopefully move in with his now girlfriend, drive her car and share in the

  • Benefits Of Study Skills

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    Study Skills D NO: L0033AHAAHA0817 FULL NAME: ELMEHDI SDIRA 19/10/2017 There are a lot of skills needed to achieve good grades and to have an excellent academic level. In order to be successful, students need good study skills. Study skills are a set of skills which help students become effective learners (Oxford Dictionaries | English, 2017). This strategy of study helps students become more effective and make the studying easier by using a lot of skills and a productive learning method. It

  • Kolbs Model Of Reflection

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    This essay aims to examine different models of reflection, such as Gibbs, Kolb, and Atkins & Murphy, it will then compare them in respect of their application to practice. It will then explore the ‘Gibbs’ model of reflection as a vehicle with which to discuss interpersonal skills and communication within team practice, this will also include multi-disciplinary teams in general. During this essay the author will identify the key roles and responsibilities and the main barriers that affect partnership

  • The Founders Movie Analysis

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    The movie is set in 1954 and begins with Ray Kroc, who is a salesman or a hustler, making a pitch to an owner of a drive-in about a milkshake machine. He and his wife Ethel live in a big house in Arlington Heights, Illinois. Ray is very committed to his job, which requires him to be on the road quite a lot; however this has created tension between Ray and Ethel as Ethel wishes that Ray would be as interested in her as he is in his job. Ray’s job involves him making pitches about new merchandise that

  • Perfectionism Is Harmful

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    satisfaction in colleges students. Perfectionism has proved to cause depression as were most people think of it as a saving grace and it leads to a happy life. Ann W. Smith proves this to us “We live in a culture that values perfection, and that leads us to believe that doing things perfectly leads to happiness and success” (Smith). This is true, she also states that “Perfectionists have a deep need to

  • Definition Essay: How Identity Shapes Each Person

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    Identity is such a simple word and yet has so much depth to it. Every being has an identity. The real question is how identity shapes each person. The concept of identity is multi-layered. One can have an identity that pertains to only themself, but one can also have a group identity. At the end of the day, a person’s identity is all that they truly have with them throughout their whole life. Preston identifies three frameworks for analyzing how an identity is formed and transformed. He describes

  • External Loyalty In Police Subculture

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    Police subculture has many elements that define the law enforcement culture and is a common denominator around the globe. "The sense of being different from civilians and the knowledge that a police officer can depend only upon other officers in a moment of need fosters a sense of security and occupational solidarity known as the police subculture", (Doerner, 2016, p. 171).The police subculture is police officers supporting others within their department or other agencies as every law enforcement

  • Effect Of A Tornado On A Small Town

    544 Words  | 3 Pages

    1. Use a series to combine three or more similar ideas. The unexpected tornado struck the small town causing much damage, numerous injures, and several deaths. 2. Use a relative pronoun(who, whose, that, which)to introduce the subordinate(less important) ideas. The tornado, which was completely unexpected, swept through the small town causing much damage, numerous injures, and several deaths. 3. Use an introductory phrase or clause for the less important ideas.

  • Focus Movie Poster Analysis Essay

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    Focus Movie Poster Visual Analysis Focus is a comedy and crime film released in February of 2015. The film grossed 53.8 million dollars. A big part of the film’s marketing campaign was its movie poster. Movie posters have been a big part of advertising for films since their beginnings in the late 1800s and early 1900s. The main focus of movie posters are to draw the audience to watch the movie. Due to the rating of R, the main audience of the film Focus is anyone above the age of 17. A lot of thought

  • Sean Combs Accomplishments

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    In a world full of competition, it takes more than someone with a goal and a dream, but rather someone who is dedicated and is willing to make sacrifices to make themselves among the most elite businessmen. With this being said I believe rapper, producer, actor, and entrepreneur Sean Combs, also known as P.Diddy is someone who fit this profile perfect. Sean Combs has accomplished numerous things. His successful clothing line Sean John to his own brand of liquor Ciroc, are just two of many of Combs

  • Diversity And Synthesis Essay: The Beloved Community

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    The beloved community is a community where all individuals are loved, supported and heard. Usually we like to talk about the aspects that brings a community together such as unity, but where there is community there also lies a form of bias. Within this bias certain individuals never get the chance to pose their ideas, have their voices heard, or shut down at the quickest possible moment because they wear their pants too low, weren’t fortunate to provide themselves with the same education, or simply

  • Will Smith's Influence On Education

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    successful education is Will Smith. Will Smith has evidence to support his victorious lifestyle, “Traditional education is based on facts and figures and passing tests - not on a comprehension of the material and its application to your life.” His intended interpretation of said evidence is what truly authenticates his claim. Education starts at a very early age, even before kindergarten. For Will Smith, his early education was a wedge in the past. Being


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    The movie I AM LEGEND was released in the year 2007 had many well-known actors the most well-known was Will Smith. In the movie the world is in an apocalyptic setting where the human race is dying off because of a very dangerous disease that turns humans in zombies. At first the disease was a cure for cancer but for some horrible reason it mutated into a virus that was spreading all over the world. The government had to act very quickly and start separating the health people from the people that

  • Will Smith's Rapping Career

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    piece of talent was Will Smith. Smith was a young teen when he recognized his very first talent. Rapping, was this talent of recognition. Overall, as Smith began to get older as young teen, he was fairly recognized for his rapping career, acting career, and becoming a producer of film. Nevertheless, at 12 years of age, Will Smith began rapping.

  • How Does Chris Gardner Achieve Happiness

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    Setting goals and achieving them is not always easy. In the movie “The Pursuit of Happyness” Chris Gardner shares his story as he struggles to accomplish his goals. Throughout the story Chris goes through many ups and downs, but at the end of all of it he was still happy. In the movie, “The Pursuit of Happyness” the main character, Chris Gardner, achieves his goals by being willing to suffer at the moment in order to have a better future, making sure that his son is safe and has a good example,

  • Asphodel That Greeny Flower Analysis

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    Flowers beautify the world and bring joy to those in it. Some people become inspired by flowers and write, sing, and talk about them. All of the literature that comes from flowers evokes many different emotions and touches on many different topics. Sometimes the writings can stem from sadness, enjoyment, forgiveness, or jealousy. Many of the greats of literature have written about flowers and used them to explore topics and themes that others may not touch upon. The poems “Asphodel, That Greeny Flower”

  • Personal Narrative: Temple Run

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    “Ouch!” I shouted as I slammed onto the tiled kitchen floor. “Are you okay?” my mom asked as she rushed into the kitchen. “Yea, I’m okay.” I said squeezing my side. “You are too clumsy, and you climb too much,” my mom stated. I didn’t talk back because I knew for a fact that I was clumsy and I did climb too much. Most of my family calls me crazy, but I consider myself as “adventurous. They always said that I climbed too much and that I would get seriously injured one day. This happens quite

  • Legacy In Emily St. John Mandel's Station Eleven

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    What is legacy? According to Merriam-Webster, the definition of legacy is, “something transmitted by or received from an ancestor or predecessor or from the past.” What makes the thought of leaving a legacy so important? For most of us, something drives our lives. Our jobs, our families, or our travels. It isn’t until the end of our lives when we are able to see the impact we are leaving, or have left on the world. Legacy, in a general sense, is completely different to each and every one of

  • How To Write A Short Story Revealed: A Narrative Fiction

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    "I'm sorry," Randy continued. "I only wanted to scare them." Just then, Randy had put the gun to his head and pulled the trigger. *** The morning after, Jeff woke up in the hospital with a bandage wrapped around his head, covering the large scar that was given to him by Randy. He heard a woman sobbing and it sounded quite familiar. He heard those cries before, but not since his grandmother had died. He looked over to his left to see his mother being consoled by his father. She rushed to him, holding

  • Personal Narrative-A Die-Hard Audio Geek

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    A Die-Hard Audio Geek My life has been a rollercoaster. This is amusing considering the fact that I get motion sick, but with all of the twists, turns, and occasional loopty-loops that have occurred, a rollercoaster is certainly a fair description. However, this is the story of how I volunteered to help where I could and ended up stumbling upon one of my passions. I was twelve years old and our church sound system was outdated and in need of replacement. Much to my excitement, we were connected