Kolbs Model Of Reflection

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This essay aims to examine different models of reflection, such as Gibbs, Kolb, and Atkins & Murphy, it will then compare them in respect of their application to practice. It will then explore the ‘Gibbs’ model of reflection as a vehicle with which to discuss interpersonal skills and communication within team practice, this will also include multi-disciplinary teams in general. During this essay the author will identify the key roles and responsibilities and the main barriers that affect partnership working, this will help identify the significance of communication and interpersonal skills while working with children and young people in different settings. There are multiple similarities and differences between the three models of reflection, …show more content…

Furthermore, in contrast to Gibbs and Atkins and Murphy’s model of reflection, Kolb only has four stages which only makes his learning cycle suitable for brief experiences but requires less complexity. His four stages include, firstly achieving a concrete experience, secondly reviewing and contemplating the experience which is the reflective and observation part of the cycle, the practitioner will then be in abstract conceptualisation which signifies the learning outcomes which includes what they have achieved and absorbed. The last stage is the active experimentation which includes attempting to put into practice what they have learned. This also differs from both Gibbs and the Atkins and Murphy’s model of reflection because in the last stage the practitioner is able to use his reflection and attempt to put it into place whereas Gibbs and Atkins and Murphy both do not suggest this. Overall, these models of reflection can be all beneficial as they are all different. Whilst Gibbs and Kolb lack in expanding their reflection the Atkins and Murphy model provides an in-depth view of the situation; however, it does deprive in having a basic starter which is sometimes needed in order to get a clear and structured …show more content…

This suggests that in order to expand in our field we should learn from our experiences by thinking about them using models of reflection. There are numerous reasons why pondering on different occurrences can be a positive experience, they can be useful when dealing with a challenging situation, this can help the practitioner contemplate and give the situation some thought before handling it, this is most common as one may reflect on a previous argument with a co-worker this would give the chance to face our feelings about the experience. For instance, if a senior member of staff asked an undergraduate student for a favour which perhaps included making a display board for the parents to see when they would walk in the student would feel very uncomfortable doing this task because it takes a lot of responsibility and it is very time-consuming, being only a student most would use a positive face and agree to do this task in order to demonstrate that they could accomplish this. However, after they would reflect on how they felt about this and possibly react differently. If the student felt too under pressure next time they should have simply declined politely, instead the student used Politeness theory, a theory by Brown and Levinson