
Wings Of Fire Short Story

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Leo’s German shepherd barked and pawed at the dirt. She’d struck again. Leo smiled ear to ear, patted Mitzi on the head, and started digging in the moist jungle dirt. Mitzi had been blessed with a mutation in her nose at birth that allowed her to smell gold better than most people, and she got results better than most metal detectors. The duo of Mitzi and Leo went on many expeditions to ancient areas in the world in search of riches. Leo didn’t even do it for the riches anymore. He’d grown extremely fond of his dog and she was probably his only and best friend. Today they were digging in the ancient ruins of the Amazon for a long forgotten treasure that Leo learned about on a Wikipedia page. Leo finished digging and discovered a rather beautiful …show more content…

It was beautiful and would fetch a fair price. He decided he would use part of it to buy Mitzi a new dog house. On the plane, driven by the curator’s son of the museum that Leo worked for, the loudspeaker turned on. It was the curator, Mr. Jones, telling Leo that as soon as he came back, he would be shipped off to Moscow to find a long forgotten crown of ruler Peter the First. “Great. See you soon, sir.”

Leo and Mitzi landed in New York later that evening, handed the amulet off to Mr. Jones, grabbed a quick dinner of pizza, and boarded their plane at about 10:00 that night. Leo realized that if he could find this crown, it would be the biggest achievement of his life… Somewhat nervous, he boarded the plane with Mitzi. She rested his head in his lap and the small little plane was off towards …show more content…

Leo knew that this time would come, as he unholstered his pistol and took cover with Mitzi behind a rock. “Good thing none of us got hurt…” Leo remarked to Mitzi, but then noticed her whimpering, wheezing, and the growing patch of red on her right side. Leo held back a tear as the barrage of bullets flew in relentlessly. He poked his head over the rock and counted the assailants. Six. He had enough bullets to avenge Mitzi. So he did. One by one, in a blind rage, he downed Russian after Russian, shouting expletives after each bullet nailed its target. Eventually the fight was over. He had the crown, but lost his best friend in the process… Leo sat there for at least an hour with his now lifeless best friend in his arms, crying as he wondered how he would go on. Eventually, he mustered the strength to get up and hold Mitzi. He decided to bury Mitzi where they dug up the crown, because Mitzi was his greatest treasure, not the

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