Freedom Fighters Informative Speech

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For hundreds of years, history has recorded countless stories and accounts of people that were willing to sacrifice themselves for their cause. Depending on their cause and which side history was recorded determined if they were the heroes or villains of their time. For the most part, these stories were of men or groups of men dedicated to sacrificing their lives for God, country, and/or family. While there are only a few examples of women during this same time, history finds itself encountering more examples of women willing to fight and even die for their given cause which begs us to ask why we are seeing an increasing use of female combatants as suicide bombers. In order to answer this, we will need to examine history to understand how we got here as well as look at realization that women combatants will be the future and a more dangerous threat to the US fight against terrorism than their male counterparts. Before going further, it is important to define terrorism. This is an extremely complex issue and depending on your side or political affiliation, it …show more content…

Freedom fighters do not need to terrorize a population into submission. Freedom fighters target the military forces and the organized instruments of repression keeping dictatorial regimes in power. Freedom fighters struggle to liberate their citizens from oppression and to establish a form of government that reflects the will of the people. Now, this is not to say that those who are fighting for freedom are perfect or that we should ignore problems arising from passion and conflict. Nevertheless, one has to be blind, ignorant, or simply unwilling to see the truth if he or she is unable to distinguish between those I just described and terrorists. Terrorists intentionally kill or maim unarmed civilians, often women and children, often third parties who are not in any way part of a dictatorial regime. Terrorists are always the enemies of