Women In Lysistrata

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Lysistrata is a comedy written by aristophane. He tells the story of continuing war that occurred between Athens and Spartans and its allies,where Athens was suffering an enormous defeat .The men of the Athenian society used the treasures of the city stored in acropolis to fund the war. The women of both Sparta and Athens where deprived of seeing their husbands because of this war. Lysistrata a middle class wife of Athens came up with a plan to end the war and bring lasting peace to Athens and Sparta. She invited the women of Athens and Sparta.
The women of Athens and Sparta attended the meeting, after listening to the idea that they had to refuse their husbands from having sex with them no matter the cost , and while at it they should also …show more content…

As time goes on the women started having a strong urge for sex ,lysistrata was sad because the women started looking for ways to leave the acropolis , in one case the woman claimed she was pregnant that she needed to leave the acropolis in other to give birth while lystrata found that it was a helmet that was underneath her cloth not a baby.A man (Cinesias) to the acropolis with his son calling for his wife , he claimed he wanted her to come take care of abandoned stuffs at home mean while sex was his ultimate craving.she came out of the acropolis and he demanded sex , when they got to the point of sex Myrrhine (Cinesias wife) leaves to the acropolis to get an item , this continued until she went and didn’t come back. Cinesias was frustrated .A Spartan man came for his wife(Limpito) and had similar experience ,at this point the men realized that it was a wide spread conspiracy they sent messages to the Spartan and Athenian officials ,deligates were sent from both spatar and Athens to resolve the situation ,at this point lysistrata comes out with a naked lady representing the goddess of