Women's Education In Jean Jacques Rousseau

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The second chapter of the book is explicitly questioning men, (specifically Jean Jacques Rousseau), who have argued over the ages that women don 't have enough mental strength to become morally sound on their own and that they need the guidance of men to make rational decisions in life. But Wollstonecraft believes that if women have souls, then they must have the same rational powers as men. The only other opposition to this is to claim that women don 't have souls, which even the worst misogynists in the world would hesitate to argue. The biggest challenge to women 's education seems to be the belief that women should be kept innocent like children and taught nothing other than the skills for pleasing their future husbands. The kind of education that these authors were promoting, she felt, was making women incompetent and counterproductive, making the text degrade the other half of the human species and teach women to please people all their lives in the name of virtue. The moral character of a woman is estimated by her ability to fulfill her duties connected with men as a daughter, wife and mother. By this, she clarifies, she doesn’t mean that either sex should be so lost in acquiring the virtue that they forget the affection and duties that lie before them. In the current system, she feels, women are only able to learn about the world by looking at the surfaces of things. They are never taught how to figure out larger patterns from individual observations, so they all