Women's Rights In Fascist Italy

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Women's rights have experienced tremendous victories, and tremendous shortcomings though no fault of their own. It does not matter if it is in Fascist Italy of the mid 20th century, the United States during the Civil War or World War II, or Modern China. This is a matter that affects everyone, not just women. Fascist Italy, for example fascinates me because the form of government originated as a protest of middle class Italy due to their neglect for the lower class. Italy's economy was literally in shambles, they were plagued with white collar unemployment, which resulted in the attacking of women's job prospects. Not all of life was doom and gloom in Fascist Italy's workplace, as the Sacchi Law of 1918 provided legal equality of the sexes …show more content…

Nazi Germany just prior to World War II was much alike the problem Fascist Italy faced economically. Any sort of totalitarian regime relies on propaganda, and Nazi Germany leaned heavily on this. "New Socialist Woman" was an equal in the home to their male counterparts, and their employment offered a chance not just out of necessity but through genuine interest as well. Adolf Hitler knew that to fight a war he would need bodies, and in order to create them you have to have women. So it would make sense to keep them happy, right? Women in Nazi Germany were not frail nor helpless, they were strong, athletic, and determined should they be needed to work while the men were away. Physical fitness played a huge role in all of the Youth of Germany's lives, it helped them create a powerhouse in World War II. A new unity of sorts was proposed, however Germany faced a critical problem. If all of the men are away at war, and the women are in factories...who would raise the children? Germany boasted a revamped educational system, and sports played a critical role in these children's lives. To further entice families, German families were offered financial stipends from the government in exchange for the birth of children...in short, the more kids you had, the more money you could make. This was a sharp contrast to the situation in Italy, as Nazi militants rejected the notions set forth regarding women's lack of physical strength or intellectual fortitude. The advancements women made in Nazi Germany are almost shocking, considering the male-centric ideology that is rooted in Fascism, and while this does not quite fit into the timeline we have set forth regarding the waves of feminism, one could argue that the rights advancements experienced by women during this time was a precursor to the second wave of

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