Women's Rights Movement Essay

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The fight for women’s suffrage was one of the longest political struggles in the history of the United States. The women's suffrage has been discussed by many historians, but it has been whitewashed. African Americans were heavily involved in the Women's suffrage movement. They also faced white supremacism. Many activist that fought for women's rights were activist that fought for abolition. One of the most important speakers at the first full women's rights convention was Sojourner Truth. She was a former slave and abolitionist. She used her former experience to demonstrate that women were not a protected and privileged class in the United States. One way the fight for African Americans' rights and the fight for women's rights were linked was Women's rights supporters participated in protest the Kansas-Nebraska act in 1854 and in the rise of the Republican party. Another example of how African American rights and the women's suffrage movement were linked is the Women's Loyal National League. This was an all-women organization dedicated to permanent abolishment of slavery. …show more content…

A challenge that African American activists faced that white suffragists did not face was that in the south they did not like the African Americans at all and they could even be lynched. Therefore Wells-Barnett published her arguments entitled "How Enfranchisement stops lynching". An example of African American women being discriminated against during the suffrage movement is the motivations of many white women for the right to vote. This was one of the biggest motives for women’s