Women's Rights: Susan B Anthony And Elizabeth Cady Stanton

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Susan B Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton were two significant leaders in women’s right’s movement in the 1800’s. They were good friends and both worked hard and overcame many obstacles for women to have basic rights. The actual Birthplace of Women’s Rights written by Howard Mansfield documents how although both worked very hard, Elizabeth Cady Stanton actually started the movement on July 19, 1848 when she pushed her nephew through a window to unlock a church that would become the birthplace of the first Women’s Rights Convention. It was a slow start but during the next three days more than three hundred women and men discussed “the social, civil, and religious conditions and rights of women. “ Basically women were locked out of jobs, education and the right to vote. Susan B Anthony, who was a Quaker reformer, came to the home of Elizabeth Cody Stanton and the two women spent hours sharing their thoughts before the convention. They promised to stay in touch. …show more content…

The women placed a small notice in the Seneca County Courier and persuaded a minister to let them use the church for the meeting. The women were surprised that there were some men supporters who attended. The organizers used the Declaration of Independence as their guide and named men as the tyrannical King George denying women their rights and pursuit of happiness. The document also detailed the ways that women were denied property rights, rights in marriage and divorce, and the vote. It was signed by sixty eight women and thirty two men in attendance. The next day, the convention worked on twelve resolutions which the third stated that women is man’s equal and was intended to be so by the