Women's Role In Medea

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"Medea" is a revolutionary tragic drama written by Euripides in 430 BC. The whole play focuses on Medea, a powerful and brave woman who is symbolising the women of ancient Greek. Her influence in Corinth reflects the male dominance in the Greek society. Her values are identical to a man's values thus she is considered as a contrast of Greek women who were suppressed by their men. She committed crimes which were barbarous yet she was able to leave behind a civilised message of women's rights and their respect. Women of ancient Greek were living a life of slavery and were used by their men rather than being loved. Medea however lives a peaceful life and her pride is her far most priority. And to maintain her repute, she found no difficulty making …show more content…

Instead of raising his own voice, he brought his characters to life and gave them his own voice. Medea is also seen speaking on behalf of Euripides. Her attributes were not a representation of a woman but a man. It was necessary for Euripides to characterise Medea as strong and courageous woman who opposes gender inequality yet is able to show a woman in herself. 'She is no ordinary woman', her pride was her strength and her fuel of dedication which drove her to achieve her ambitious goal. The play starts off by showing Medea suffering and crying upon her husband's betrayal and it presents an ordinary woman of the time.'Oh I am wretched pity me for my sufferings! Oh, if only I could die'. Her anguish and anger was relatable by the audience because her sorrow and grief symbolises an average woman of her time who would have reacted in a similar way after a loss of her husband. However she transforms herself into an evil master mind and labels her husband and his new wife as her enemy. Her pursuit of revenge and will of making 'corpses of three of her enemies' flips the whole scenario as well as her characteristics. By this time she becomes a distinct character and no longer remains a typical woman. This clearly shows the hidden strength of a woman which was suppressed by men. Medea seems to oppose this ideology and she does so by transposing herself into a man disguised as a

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