Women's Unfair Court System

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For a long time, women have been discriminated for many opportunities to become successful in live. Ever since America was free from the control of the UK, women have not been given any opportunity to thrive. Women have been treated as people who have been underestimated and treated as an outcast in the field of work outside of home. Over time women have been given few opportunities to work, but those opportunities were only given when the men had to go to war. Women rights started to become a concern only after a few years after World War 1. As soon as women had the right to vote, thanks to the Fourteenth Amendment, women started to get together and try to make an amendment to give equal rights to all sex. Ever since then, Women have …show more content…

Another reason why the ERA needs to happen is because women have been treated unfairly in most courts. A good example of a women unable to get good help and could not win a court case was the Hoyt v Florida case. This court case shows how unfair the court system is. Hoyt is a victim of being a suspect classification. The jury of the court were all male. Hoyt believes that having an all male jury, violated the fourteenth amendment. This court case shows how unfair that the court system is towards women. The unfair court system towards women will most likely lean towards the side that is going against women. The next court case shows how unfair the court system is and how unfair women’s pay is. The Ledbetter v Goodyear tire is another court case on how much discrimination there is. Since the ERA is not an amendment and most laws and acts are not enforced, the Ledbetter and Goodyear is a good example of how laws and acts are not being enforced. This case was made because Ledbetter has been working for Goodyear for a long time, however, Ledbetter, for her entire time working at Goodyear, has been getting lower pay than all the men working at Goodyear. Ledbetter tried to sue Goodyear for the discrimination of not being paid enough. However, the court did not seem to think that the laws were not broken. This made Ledbetter lose the court. All the laws and acts that are made to prevent sex discrimination shows that the there is no enforcement. With no enforcement, women are still getting unfair wages from discrimination. It also shows how unfair the court system is towards women. Even though there are a majority people who need the ERA but there are people who thinks that we should repeal the amendment. These people believe that the ERA will make any protective legislation invalid. Even though that protective legislation was the only concern, everyone