Wood Bat Research Paper

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Major League baseball teams and some college leagues use wood bats. College level teams use wood bats when their league is only for wood bats. For example, the Lakeshore Chinooks are in a wood bat league. Some other countries that baseball is popular in are Cuba and Taiwan. Every wood bat is different. They are made with different sizes and weights. The bats can also be made out of different types of wood. Although, most baseball players use maple or ash wood for their bats nowadays. About sixteen-thousand five-hundred bats are used per season. There are three main things that need to be done to make a baseball bat. First the bat makers need to find the right tree. Louisville Slugger gets most of their wood from their farms in New York and Pennsylvania. Every bat company knows the correct tree to cut down for bats. They can choose from any type of wood that they want to make the bat out of. When the bat makers find the right tree, they cut it down. The people then turn the crude wood into cylinders. From there, the wood cylinders are sent to be shaped and sanded. The wood cylinders are put into a machine where the wood is shaved down. The cylinder has to be longer than what the actual bat length is in the end. When the cylinder is put into the machine, the wood is formed into the bat …show more content…

This makes the bat stronger. The sealer it usually put on the bat first. The bat makers have to wait until the layer that they put on to dry before putting on the other coats. After all the layers have been put onto the bat, the people put on the decals or the stickers. The bat company can also have burn their logo onto the bat. When the company burns their logo onto the bat, a branding iron with the logo is hot and then put onto the bat. The bats can also go through machines that put on the decals and stickers by themselves. Sometimes the workers will even paint some of the logos or details on the bat