Effective Brand Identification

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1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background A brand is a name, term, sign or symbol that differentiates one seller’s brand from those of other sellers (Allen, O’Guinn & Semenik 2013:13). A brand allows a company to communicate a effective communication message to the market (Allen, O’Guinn & Semenik 2013:13). A brand name is the part of the brand that can be verbalised, through letters,words and numbers. The brand mark is the combination of symbols distinctive to the brand (Boshoff, Elliott ,Hair, Klopper, Lamb, McDaniel & Terblanche 2010:250-251). A brand can be visually separated from the competitor’s identity, a brand is seen as a successful identity. (Rowden 2000:123-124) The benefits of branding are as follows: It helps with product identification, leads to repeated sales which creates a group of loyal customers. Effective branding gives advantage to both the marketer and the buyer (Boshoff et al 2010:250-215). Customers will also benefit from effective brand identification. A brand offers consumers security and confidence to buy the brand products or services. The consumer trusts the brand and expects quality, which is also important for the brand equity, referring to the monetary value of brand names (Boshoff et al 2010:250-215). Brands …show more content…

Some companies change their identity for the sake of changing, or the change in market trends (2000: 18). An identity forming project needs a firm guideline to avoid any unnecessary delays or a complete failure in completing the project. It is important to discuss the aims and objectives for achieving an identity that is true to the nature of the company, discussing options of employees and managers opinions and thoughts (2000: 31). This is also relevant in the process of forming an identity or re-creating an identity. It would be important to gather the opinions of others. (2000:

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