Words Are More Powerful Than Words Analysis

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Synthesis Essay: Actions VS. Words Yash Gill Period: A

Martin Luther King Jr. , the man who helped end segregation in the US, used words to show his thoughts nonviolently. What he did was revolutionary to this world because he overcame the difficult parts in his life and made that result into change. Some people however, take situations into their own hands and use violence as a way of handling a situation. Therefore, actions can create imbalances towards situations using nonviolent actions or violent actions. Words have been very effective in the past and even now because it mostly results into success. Words are more powerful than actions because it always results in change.

Great people can create better opportunities. In a letter written by Martin Luther King Jr., he explains that when nonviolent actions …show more content…

In the article by Yousafzai, it shows that she has gotten hate for her beliefs. “As a child, she became an advocate for girls education which resulted in the taliban issuing a death threat against her” (Yousafzai). The quote shows that words can be hurtful to positive people. Essentially, her beliefs have been taken away because of her use of words. Though this may show words can have a negative impact on someone’s life, Actions may be better for some people and can help them live a better life. An example of people having a better life with actions, In a picture by the free hug campaign, it was a picture of a guy giving out hugs with a sign that says “Free hugs” on it. “Free hugs was an action which made people sympathize with each other and made people feel welcomed” (Free Hugs Campaign). In other words, Actions make people feel comfortable in different situations. However, actions have to be Nonviolent for people to feel better. These two quotes show the impact actions can have and what difficulties words can bring, however words are important to people like MLK and Malala because that helps them create