
Words Used To Describe A Car Crash

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The problem that is investigated in the two problems is to see if they change the words they use to describe a car crash, will the people who watched the crash think the car went faster based on the words used to describe it. And also, will they think glass shattered because of the words that were used. Some of the words they used to describe the crash were: hit, smashed, and collided, and were asked about it in a series of questions. In experiment one they had the people come in and watch a couple different videos that would range from about 5 to 30 seconds. Once they had watched one of the films, they were asked to fill out a questionnaire about the car crash that they had just watched on the screen. One group had the question “how fast were the cars going when they hit each …show more content…

After they watched the video the subjects were asked to describe the accident and then they were asked a series of questions about the accident that they saw. The big question was about how fast was the car going when they hit each other? And the others were asked about how fast was the car going when they smashed into each other? Then the following week the subjects were asked to come back, but this time they were asked about if there was broken glass in the accident. There wasn’t any broken glass, but they figured since they had used the word smashed to describe the accident, they figured people would think that means that the accident did have glass that broke. In the end they found that the people who’s questionnaire asked if the cars smashed, they thought the car was going faster than the people who’s questionnaire said hit. And they also saw that the people who had the word smashed in their questionnaire, they thought that there was glass in the accident. So, the people again who had the word smashed in their questionnaire, they thought the car was going

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