RAM (Responsibility Assignment Matrix) In Table 3

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The RAM (Responsibility Assignment Matrix) in Table 6 explain who is directly responsible for each task in the process of preparing the premise and installing of the CNC machine.
Table 6: RAM for project one. 3.2 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
At the beginning of the project, the team made a WBS to recognize all activities and steps needed to complete the project. A WBS can be defined as: “a deliverable-oriented grouping of project elements which organizes and defines the total scope of the project. Each descending level represents an increasingly detailed definition of a project component. Project components may be products or services” [2].
Figure 1 shows the WBS for the project. The WBS is divided into six categories, with several …show more content…

In order to illustrate the project progress at a given date, a baseline is set. Beneath, table 9 and figure 3 shows the progress at 12.24.2015 in the Tracking Gantt Chart.

Table 12: Project schedule tracking.

Figure 4: Tracking Gantt chart, schedule.
As seen in the illustrations above, by Christmas activity number 1,2 and 4 will be 100 % completed, The purchase of the CNC machine will be 35 % completed, plumbing 48 %, electrical work 28 %, while the remaining activities is 0 % completed. The only milestone reached is “Planning finished”. This is consistent with the critical path in part 6.1.
When using tracking Gantt chart it is challenging to give an exact estimated date of completion, positive or negative impacts from the baseline schedule is hard to detect [2]. To earn a comprehensive picture of the project progress the Earned Value Management (EVM) method is applied in part 7.2.
7.2 EVM
EVM helps the project team to quantify the performance of the project. It compares costs and schedules to the baseline to determine if the project is on track [4]. Figure 5: …show more content…

If actual cost (ACWP) is higher than earned value (BCWP), the project exceeds the budget. If planned value (BCWS) is higher than earned value, the project is behind schedule [4].
As shown in the figure the lab improvement group are pushing the workers and budget all the way to the end. As mentioned earlier, the team has in advance considered Murphy’s law, so some expedited cost is considered.

8. Conclusion
According to the screening methods used in part 2.1 project one (enhancement and upgrade of existing laboratories) is the best choice for the department of industrial engineering at NUC. By selecting project one, the team will have a larger percent of the total budget to use on state of the art equipment, instead of building construction. The project team has decided to purchase a Haas VF-2TR 5 axis CNC machine, which is assumed to increase the number of applicants and enhance R&D results at NUC.

9. References
[1] Available: http://int.haascnc.com/mt_spec1.asp?intLanguageCode=1033&id=VF-2TR&webID=5AXIS_VMC
[2] J. K. Pinto, Project Management, achieving competitive advantage vol. Third: Pearson, 2013.
[3] R. Avidor. (2015, 09.25.2015) Available:

More about RAM (Responsibility Assignment Matrix) In Table 3