Working Memory: Baddeley And Hitch

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Working memory is simply put that it is the faculty for reproducing past events and past learning, psychologists have overtime differed different ideas how the working memory works, generally they have agreed that this involves three basic activities which include retrieval which would be involving a recovery of information when we need it later, storage retaining memories for future use and also encoding which is simply getting information into memory in the first place. A number of studies have shown that executive functions develop at different rates which would be developmental fractionation for example Welsh et al (1991) it was reported that different developmental rates for three to twelve year olds using a better of executive function measures. Recent searches …show more content…

Evidence does suggest that the Phonological loop is made up of two components which are the phonological loop and the Articulatory Control process, the evidence suggests the phonological similarity effect, unattended speech effect, word length effect, articulatory suppression experiments and also including neuropsychological evidence. The Phonological store, is passive and also stores information in a coded form, the use in involuntary, as information decays in about two seconds if no rehearsal takes place, a small bugger for linguistic information. The phonological coding which would be the speech sounds, would be identical coding for

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